Publishing reports
If you have reviewed a manuscript for Papers in Physics under Open Review, and the manuscript has been accepted for publication, you may be invited by the Editors to write your report as a Commentary in a format that can be published in the journal. Please consider these guidelines while writing your Commentary.
- Use the LaTeX class file and template provided (see Author guidelines)
- Use an original title or either the standard Commentary on "Title of the manuscript reviewed" by Author Name
- Provide a very short abstract indicating the main points that will be discussed. For example: The paper entitle "..." by ... suggest that ... In this Commentary I make a remark on the ... of the claims of these authors and suggest a different approach to the problem.
- Provide an introduction to briefly describe the article commented.
- Write a section for each main point you want to make.
- Do not miss out any major point that has not being agreed upon with the author or that he author did not address properly in the article..
- You should not bring forward major points that have been clarified/corrected by the authors in the manuscript during the revision process.
- Avoid referring to minor points such as use of English, stylistic preferences, etc.
- Complete the Commentary with a "Final remarks" section to summarize.
- Use references as in regular manuscripts. Cite the article commented.