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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published nor it is being considered for publication on a different journal
  • The submission file is a PDF document, containing the full text, author(s) name(s) and affiliation(s), and references.
  • The submission is accompanied by a Letter to the Editors with suggestions of suitable referees
  • LaTeX (.tex) source files and figures (eventually, other source files like Word .docx) are also included.
  • The manuscript adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • The authors comply with the journal's Ethical Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Manuscripts submitted to Papers in Physics must contain substantial new results and ideas that advance in a non-trivial way our knowledge of physics.

Authors must decide at submission time the editorial treatment that Papers in Physics should give to the manuscript: traditional review or open review. Authors must ensure that any submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.

Papers in Physics has no page limits. However, very long manuscripts are susceptible of higher publishing costs (see APC).  Authors are encouraged to publish supplementary material at no extra cost.

Papers in Physics has a copyleft policy. Authors must agree to let the article in the public domain (CC BY 4.0 license). Authors must comply with the journal ethical guidelines.


Traditional review
In traditional review, manuscripts are submitted to anonymous reviewers seeking constructive criticism and editors make a decision as to whether publication is appropriate.

Open review
In open review, manuscripts are sent to reviewers who agree to unveil their identity. If the paper is considered suitable for publication, the names of all involved will be published in the article information.  The the reviewer's comments and the author's replies may be also published together with the main article when considered valuable for the readers according to the editor in charge of the manuscript. In this way, Papers in Physics promotes open discussions of controversies among specialists that are of help to the reader and to the transparency of the editorial process. Moreover, reviewers receive their due recognition by publishing a recorded citable report.


Please, use the LaTeX class and template provided to prepare your manuscript.
Microsoft Word, OpenOffice and other formats may be processed. However, note that in this case extra cost associated with formatting will be charged to the author prior to  publication (see APC).

Language: Manuscripts must be written in English following American spelling.
Title: It must be informative and brief.
Authors: Use full given names or capital initials followed by periods. Family name must be written in full. Separate authors' names by commas only.
Address: Provide postal address for each author. Use Arabic superscripts to link authors to addresses.
Abstract: Aim at less than 500 words. Clearly indicate the system under consideration, the properties studied, the methods used and the main conclusions drawn in the paper.
Text: Separate the text in sections beginning by "Introduction" and ending with "Conclusions".
Figures: Use PostScript, PDF or EPS format for images. The use of color is encouraged. Introduce appropriate captions for each figure.
Tables: Avoid introducing large tables; these can be submitted as Supplementary Material.
Equations: Equations must be numbered sequentially.
Acknowledgements: Acknowledgements to individuals and institutions must be given just before the first Appendix or the References.
Appendices: Introduce as appendix any detailed material that may divert attention to the main subject in the text.
References: Citations must appear numbered sequentially and in squared brackets, e.g. [2] in the text. The list of references should be placed at the end of the manuscript and contain complete information about the cited items.

Supplementary material
Papers in Physics encourages authors to submit supplementary material for the benefit of reviewers and readers. These may include images, videos, lengthy tables, source codes, lengthy details of experiments, calculations or protocols, etc. Supplementary material is subjected to the same licensing as the manuscript if published.


  • Prepare a PDF version of your article to submit for reviewing. This file must contain the full text, references, figures, tables, and any other material intended to be part of the final published article.
  • Prepare the LaTeX sorces and figures (packed in a single .zip or .tar.gz file) and any other supplementary material, to be uploaded as "supplementary files". Microsoft Word, OpenOffice, and other formats may be processed, but notice that the costs of format conversion will be charged to the authors.
  • Detail in your cover letter the contribution made by each author of the manuscript. This is important to help the Editors in overseeing compliance with the journal ethical guidelines.
  • Include in your cover letter a list of colleagues that you believe are suitable as reviewers of your manuscript. Please, include as many as possible and provide: full names, affiliations and email addresses.
  • When entering title and abstract in the submission process use LaTeX commands for special symbols and formulas, e.g., $\sqrt{2}$.

Sample of cover letter (in the submission process this can be entered in the Comments to the Editor box)

Dear Editor,

Please, consider the following when handling this submission.

Authors A and B designed and performed the experiment, Author C developed the theoretical calculations, Author D performed the statistical analysis, all authors contributted equaly to the preparation of the manuscript.

Suitable reviewers:
Dr. Andrew Smith, University of Physics (Amsterdam, The Netherlands),
Prof. Bry Chan, Physics Institute (Colorado, USA),


After acceptance, manuscripts are reviewed by our Copyeditors for English and style correctness. A correction marked ("redline") copyedited manuscript is sent to the corresponding author for approval. Later on, proof are processed and authors are invited to reply withing 48 hours (only typo corrections are accepted upon proofs).

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.